The Kid’s Playroom Makeover Week 4: The Wave Wall

The Kid’s Playroom Makeover Week 4:  The Wave Wall

Happy Friday everyone!  Well the sun is FINALLY shining here in the Bay Area and there is no rain in the forecast!  YIPPEE!!!  I honestly feel like I was starting to get a spell of seasonal depression there for a hot minute.  I read a meme that said “We’ve hit that point in winter where you stay home with your kids and risk all killing each other, or take them out somewhere and expose yourselves to a respiratory virus.”  So true, and that’s where we were at about two months ago.  This constant rain has truly dampened all our spirits around here, pun intended, and I can’t wait to get the kids outside to ride bikes or jump on the trampoline this weekend!

So onto the playroom.  This waves wall.  Just.  Kill.  Me.  Not only did it end up being so much more work than I expected (all detailed in my last post, read it HERE) I also don’t love it.  It’s so much busier looking that I want and it might just have to go.  If you follow me on Instagram you may have caught my story or post where I was torn about this stupid wall and almost painted over it twice, but I wanted to wait until it was done and I had hung the window coverings which are a very simple white and would help balance out all the cookoo going on.  Well fast forward to yesterday where I everything ready to hang the curtains, power tools in hand, and I may have forgotten to get (or lost) the brackets to attach the curtains to the wall.  So here we will remain in limbo for another day or two.  Insert red angry face emoji.

Look, I know this really has no importance in the grand scheme of things and am constantly reminding myself it’s just paint and I can very easily change it.  I think ever since starting this blog every project has had a little more weight to it.  Sharing this design/diy/home decor part of myself (and a part I am considering turning into a side hustle at some point) means having more self scrutiny.  Not necessarily a good thing.  Anyway here are a few pictures of the completed wave wall that may only be temporary. 🙂

So with two more weeks left, here’s what I still need to do:

  • Add wall art and decals (constellations on ceiling, paper planes, sloth wall art)
  • Paint the wall where the french doors are and figure out what the heck I’m doing there.
  • Rearrange some of the furniture and get rid of the rug

Have a great weekend everyone!
