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Kendall’s Big Girl Room – One Room Challenge – Week 1

Kendall’s Big Girl Room – One Room Challenge – Week 1

Well, I done did it.  I pushed that “enter” button.  That very scary, utterly intimidating, and fully loaded “B” of a button.  The button that officially entered me as a guest participant in the One Room Challenge.  I filled out the form 3 times before…

The Kid’s Playroom Full Reveal

The Kid’s Playroom Full Reveal

Hi Hi Hi Hi!!!  I feel like an excited puppy today.  Like a good amount of people on the planet, I usually think Mondays are the WORST.  But I’m in an extra good mood today because I can finally say the playroom is DONE.  And…

The Kid’s Playroom Makeover Week 5:  My Colorful Accent Wall for under $10

The Kid’s Playroom Makeover Week 5: My Colorful Accent Wall for under $10

Hello again dear friends!  How is everyone?  This last week our family was hit pretty hard with the classic cold/flu/norovirus/croup combo.  Each one of us was down for a day or two and all something different.  I mean WTF!!!  Kendall’s cupid’s arrow (the area between…

The Kid’s Playroom Makeover Week 4:  The Wave Wall

The Kid’s Playroom Makeover Week 4: The Wave Wall

Happy Friday everyone!  Well the sun is FINALLY shining here in the Bay Area and there is no rain in the forecast!  YIPPEE!!!  I honestly feel like I was starting to get a spell of seasonal depression there for a hot minute.  I read a…

The Kid’s Playroom Week 3:  How to Stencil on a Textured Wall

The Kid’s Playroom Week 3: How to Stencil on a Textured Wall

When we bought this house nearly two years ago we had no idea we were buying lakefront property.  I’m half kidding – we typically back up to a dried-up marsh, but it has been raining BALLS here in NorCal and ironically enough, the window on…

The Kid’s Playroom Week 2:  Decisions Cont. and Painting

The Kid’s Playroom Week 2: Decisions Cont. and Painting

Up until just a few years ago, I drove a 1995 Toyota Camry.  I remember going with my Dad to the car dealership to pick it out and I fell in love with its silvery blue/green color.  We named him Mr. Woo because the license…

The Kid’s Playroom Week 1:  So Much Planning

The Kid’s Playroom Week 1: So Much Planning

Well hello there dear friends and Happy Valentines Day Hangover Day!  How did you spend your holiday?  Pre-kids I would always cook a “fancy” dinner and one year I even created a menu with courses.  Post kids I’m like – take out please!!!  I don’t…

Dining Room Reveal

Dining Room Reveal

Good morning and happy Friday friends!  What’s everyone up to this weekend?  I’m headed out of town this afternoon for my very first GIRLS TRIP since HAVING KIDS!!!  That’s FIVE years!!!  I kind of am anticipating something happening that will prevent this whole thing from…

My Master Bedroom FULL REVEAL with EVERYTHING linked

My Master Bedroom FULL REVEAL with EVERYTHING linked

Happy Friday and first day of February, friends!  I am on the struggle bus headed to nausea town this morning (yikes, do I sound like Guy Fieri?)  Anyway, three margaritas did me DIRTY last night and I am paying for it!  Gonna start pounding Kombucha…

My Master Bedroom REVEAL Part 3:  The Office Nook

My Master Bedroom REVEAL Part 3: The Office Nook

Well friends, we have come to the conclusion of my multi-part bedroom reveal.  Wasn’t that FUN?!?  Maybe just for me 🙂  This part of our room is probably my favorite.  Not because I necessarily love having a desk in my bedroom, but because of that…